How to Create a Well-Planned Board Meeting Agenda

An agenda for board meetings establishes the tone and format of your board meetings. A well-planned agenda for your meetings can aid you in avoiding common pitfalls which can lead to poor decision-making and impede productivity.

The first item on a board’s agenda should be “Call to Order and Time”. This is when the chairperson calls the board to call the meeting to order and introduces new members or gives other opening remarks. It’s also a good time to discuss any changes to the meeting agenda and approve previous minutes.

Each item on the agenda of the board meeting should contain a brief description of the topics to be discussed during the discussion, as well as the summary of any supporting materials. The information is given in advance to cut down on time and ensure that all attendees are aware of the background material. This helps keep the discussion focused and productive.

Prioritize your board agenda items by relevance, urgency and aligning with your strategy goals. This will help you save time by avoiding spending it on topics that are not important or have little impact. If you have too many agenda items you need to address in one meeting, you might consider having follow-up meetings or assigning these to committees with specialized expertise to allow for more detailed exploration.

Not least, assign realistic timeframes to each item on the agenda. This will stop discussions from going on over the course of the meeting and allows you to adjourn the meeting according to plan. These timeframes should only be used as guidelines. It is okay to adjust them if you need to during the meeting. It may be a good idea to give more time to your board next time if they tend to have a lot of questions on a certain topic.


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