How to Get the Most Out of a Board Meeting

A board meeting is an essential part of the decision-making process for a company. The goal is to ensure that the management of a company is done in an efficient and transparent manner. This includes implementing best practices in efficiency and strategic decision making.

In a meeting of the board, one of the first items you must do is set up the board structure. This includes committees and governance policies. This establishes an excellent foundation for the future and allows board members to make the right decisions from the start.

A review of the performance metrics like sales, marketing traffic, and market share is an important aspect to consider in the board meeting to determine if or not goals have been achieved. Board members can also come up with solutions to obstacles.

In the midst of new topics for discussion, the board meeting will be slowed down, and important agenda items can be neglected. This can be mitigated by putting a “parking lot” on the end of the agenda, where any unrelated subjects can be left for later.

To prevent boring board meetings, some organizations begin the meeting off with a success story. This can be an excellent method to refocus the participants in the meeting and increase the participation of those present. Other methods include opening the meeting with a short poll or by recognizing the accomplishments of a colleague prior to beginning the main discussion. Also, using the right video conference management software can keep meetings on track and motivated. With the right platform, a moderator can mute and unmute remote cameras as well as microphones, drop participants from the call and assign speakers, among other things.

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