Learning & Relearning: The Power of Consistency

In contrast, if your behavior is inconsistent and erratic you will have a more difficult time building effective and sustainable interpersonal skills. First of all we need to examine what it is that consistency does for us – then we can explore how personal consistency strengthens your people skills. It also helps to show the potential employer how you can bring value to the company by being consistent. Let’s say you have a new employee with a good baseline skillset. They are driven and express aspirations to ascend in your organisation.

is consistency a skill

The consistency of how each team member shows up to practice and shows up at the game with the same attitude. Consistent leaders do what they say and follow through with their goals. When people see a leader who has a consistent demeanor and a good record of getting things done, they become more willing to trust their leader.

Give time

This will help to show potential employers how you can apply those skills in the future. It also helps the potential employer understand how you can bring value to their company by consistently delivering results and meeting or exceeding expectations. The range and diversity of learning courses that may be necessary in your organisation is daunting. Combine this with a workforce that may number thousands and it’s a mammoth task to ensure your organisation is consistently tracking individual compliance.

is consistency a skill

It becomes easier to persuade people to do your directives if they trust you as a leader. You set a good example, and people will follow your good behavior and actions. If you want to be an effective leader, it’s essential to maintain consistency in your words and actions. When people know what to expect from you, they will be more likely to trust and follow you.

Consistency is key Quotes

If there’s one skill that sets you apart in today’s world is to be consistent. Train yourself to show up and you’ll be able to achieve value and meaning in your life. Consistency is ultimately a habit, once you start developing it, you should implement it across your professional and personal spheres of life.

Unlock the leadership potential of your Consistency talent — because everyone leads something. When something is familiar and predictable, people become more comfortable knowing what to expect. Consistent leadership prevents uncertainty. If a leader is inconsistent in behavior and gives directions, it can stress people from not knowing how to approach you or what to expect from your subsequent actions. People will be more engaged if they know how their leader behaves and acts.

Real People. Real Results.®

We want quick results hence incremental progress does not matter. Being consistent is not easy given the distractions that one is surrounded by. An individual is often not focused, committed or disciplined enough to work towards the long term goal.

You can argue that consistency is a trait and not a skill, and there are some aspects of it that are. Consistency is also important when you have to approve the certifications, qualifications and licenses of all of your employees as well. It is, quite literally, a cycle (and it’ll only be vicious if you let is consistency a skill it). Remote work is here to stay and it can pose some challenges to inclusive learning opportunities, let alone keeping employees accountable to consistent learning. Compliance training, on the other hand, is notoriously dry and perpetuates the belief learning is a chore that only benefits your organisation.

When you achieve a track record of success, your professional reputation speaks for itself. You won’t establish a track record if you are forever shifting gears or trying new tactics – such as chasing the next shiny object – if you don’t deliver results. Individuals high in Consistency are keenly aware of the need to treat people the same no matter what their station in life. They become annoyed or even outraged when some are given preferential treatment because of their status or position as it simply is not fair to treat some people better than others.

is consistency a skill

Where possible, provide multiple options for accessibility—especially if you have employees with disabilities. Along the same vein, it’s crucial to assign coursework to learners that https://accounting-services.net/how-to-calculate-capex-formula/ is entirely relevant to them. Generalised content has its time and place, but the challenges a diverse workforce faces vary wildly. Being consistent is not an inherent human quality.


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