Regression Testing in Agile: Concepts, Challenges and Strategies

Both functional testing tools and unit-testing tools tend to be automated and are often third-party products that are not part of the compiler suite. A functional test may be a scripted series of program inputs, possibly even involving an automated mechanism for controlling mouse movements and clicks. A unit test may be a set of separate functions within the code itself or a driver layer that links to the code without altering the code being tested. In this technique, regression testing is applied to all existing test suites.

  • Sanity testing is a run-through of the basic functionality of an application, prior to the additional testing of a new release, which informally confirms that functionality works as planned.
  • If a system needs an enormous volume of realistic and diverse test data, managing it can be a menace.
  • Considering the neverending list of testing activities, it’s always a good idea to create a comprehensive and detailed plan, also known as carrying out a test plan.
  • The test plan might involve running manual or automated regression tests to check the functionality of the existing code and if there are any conflicts between 2 versions.
  • This area is examined to find out if any dependable modules might be affected by the changes.

Step 4) They convert those regression tests into scripts depending on which cases can be automated. Read our white paper to learn what your regression tests do not cover, remove unnecessary tests and add the regression tests that really matter. It is not necessary to use any one of the techniques listed above for any testing project.

Test case development

Regression testing can be time-consuming and repetitive, requiring hours or days to complete. For this reason, a software team might choose to automate tests, both to reduce test execution time and free up the workers for other tasks. Deliver unparalleled digital experience with our Next-Gen, AI-powered testing cloud platform. Increased stakeholder involvement results in the development and implementation of a successful test approach.

In agile, there are frequent build cycles and continuous changes are added to the application. For successful regression testing in agile, a testing team should build the regression suite from the onset of product development. A QA team can go further and apply the risk-based approach to a regression test suite when the product acquires new features of any kind. This selection technique significantly reduces testing time and effort, and is another good choice for iterative regression testing for Agile product delivery process when teams are pressed for time.

Regression-averse Testing

But if you have crystal clear documentation that undergoes frequent updates, testers will become better at landing on the most appropriate test approach according to a particular situation. It involves inputting different values as a method of assessing responses. Dynamic testing also encompasses techniques like acceptance testing, system testing, integration testing, and unit testing.

definition of regression-averse testing

As software is updated or changed, or reused on a modified target, emergence of new faults and/or re-emergence of old faults is quite common. Further analysis can also alter the scope to pinpoint optimization opportunities. For example, they can also aim to find defects but also to find opportunities for UX improvement. Sometimes a mild modification can cause a domino effect on the product’s key functions that will take tons of effort to reverse.

Regression Testing Tools and Frameworks

For instance, if a visually impaired user is using software, the testing team should give more emphasis to accessibility. The entire focus of a regression-averse test approach is to soften the blow of regressions when a system undergoes enhancements or changes. The primary emphasis is on recognizing and testing areas of a software project more likely to be impacted by modifications. The end goal is to keep the existing functionality intact and prevent unintended changes or side effects. After the analysis, testers can easily identify extensively tested areas and those that need additional focus.

definition of regression-averse testing

As these stakeholders monitor the development cycle, they can decide the proceedings of the product release based on the remnant risk levels. Organizations that have experienced resources in this arena identify the risks quickly and move ahead to detect the sources and consequences of risks. Frequently, the team implements root cause analysis to have a detailed understanding of the source of the risks. Then, the team can plan the improvements that are essential to prevent the occurrences of defects in the future. The team executes the mitigation of risks throughout the complete life cycle. For product quality, if performance is a risk factor, the team tests the performance at several levels, such as integration testing, unit testing, and design testing.

How to choose test cases for the regression testing?

Here we explore different types of Selenium locators and learn how they are used with different automation testing. Cap off these test approach best practices with impeccable imitation between the developer environment and the end-user environment. Maintain traceability in test cases, requirements, and test results and establish a traceability matrix linking all requirements to their corresponding test case and result. Unlike the old ages, leaving testing to the last phases of a Software Development Life Cycle is no longer desirable or recommended. Initiating testing, in the beginning, makes spotting exceptions and bugs a peach since testers can record the product history in full.

definition of regression-averse testing

Understand its importance, roles, tools, defects management, metrics, automation, and more. This strategy acts as a vital framework that regulates testing by determining test design and providing transparent documentation that’s product specific. Although a test approach might sound like a one-size-fits-all term, it, in fact, comprises different key components. Even if the testing team misses out on one of them, it can mess up the entire test approach. It is important to remember that regression tests are only as reliable as the details in the test cases. Therefore, it is imperative to devote sufficient time to think about what could go wrong with any element when designing test cases.

Enterprise Execution Environment

There are several instances where testers have to optimize their efforts within limited resources and time frames. As a result, testing activities tend to become compressed, risk inadequacies prevail, and test coverage compromises due to tight project deadlines. Prioritizing test efforts on the basis of risk-prone areas and critical functionalities can come in handy. Al has a certain set of regulatory guidelines or standards that become the focal point of the type of testing approaches testers should incorporate. For example, the banking sector places special focus on security, whereas the aircraft industry would massively need state transition testing, boundary value analysis, and equivalence partitioning. Before choosing a testing approach, the team has to ask themselves, what is the objective of this particular test?

The test plan might involve running manual or automated regression tests to check the functionality of the existing code and if there are any conflicts between 2 versions. If any bugs are discovered, they are fixed and the regression test is run again until all tests pass. In the further sections of this analytical test strategy tutorial, we will explore the risk-based testing approach and how it can implement Agile principles in your testing process. The regression-averse test approach has in common a set of procedures, usually automated, that allows the detection of regression defects. It involves automating the functional test before the release of the function, in which case it requires early testing. Sometimes, testing focuses primarily on functions that have already been released, which can be considered a form of post-release testing environment.

Automated Regression Testing: Important Considerations

Depending on the product, testing teams may perform compatibility regression testing for different configurations. Automated regression testing is typical for medium and large projects (six-months long or more) at the stage when the project is stable (no critical changes in business logic and UI are expected). On another note, regression testing helps developers to focus their efforts on building regression averse new functionalities for the application rather than keep on returning to check for defects in the old features. Applying regression testing reveals the unexpected risks in software builds, helping developers to respond more quickly and efficiently. After the new feature is written, regression testing is run to make sure that the new recommendation feature does not affect the existing feature.


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