How to Get Accounting and Bookkeeping Clients: Experts Share 5 Best Tactics

how to find bookkeeping clients online

Add photos and videos to your content, and post pictures of happy clients on sites like Instagram and Pinterest. Referrals and testimonials usually bring in clients with higher customer lifetime value (CLV) and zero customer acquisition cost (CAC). To make this instrument online bookkeeping services work for customer acquisition, ensure your prospects can see them on numerous platforms in different formats. Also, keep in contact with former clients as they may need your assistance again. Remember that re-engaging past customers is cheaper than attracting new ones.

how to find bookkeeping clients online

You can also try cold-calling businesses that might require bookkeeping services or looking at job postings on freelancing sites like Upwork. Make sure to promote your referral program on social media, in your email marketing, in person with clients, and beyond. In addition to posting content on social media, consider hosting a webinar or podcast or offering to be a guest on an existing financial podcast. You can reference any interviews or guest appearances on your website to demonstrate your skillset.

How to Do Thought Leadership Right

When you pay for advertising, your brand will be more visible, which increases your chances of getting new clients. Your ad copy should highlight your unique value and make people want to learn more. Now you know how to get new bookkeeping clients quickly and within your budget. Private bookkeepers and small companies can ask for referrals, use content marketing, and engage SMM specialists. The most effective investment for medium and big players is hiring a lead generation agency that will find qualified bookkeeping leads within a few months. As previously stated, you can use social media platforms to look for prospective clients that need your bookkeeping services.

how to find bookkeeping clients online

When you’re looking for bookkeeping services, it’s important to identify the terms your target audience is using. Optimizing your website’s meta tags, headings, and content with these keywords will improve its search engine rankings. Title tags and meta descriptions should accurately describe your services and entice potential clients. Using relevant keywords in your headings and content can also help boost organic traffic. To get bookkeeping clients, you have to identify your ideal client first. Decide if you want to work with small businesses, corporations, startups, or individuals.

Best Online Bookkeeping Services

It gives you a chance to reach thousands of potential clients where they’re already looking for bookkeeping services or, at the very least, spending time online. Paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads or social media ads can help you target potential clients effectively. With these platforms, you can create ads that appear to users who are actively looking for bookkeeping services.

One of the fastest ways to expand your client base is to tap into your current client list. Offer the best services, and your customers will tell others about you. Although most of your clients refer your business to potential customers for free, establishing a referral program for your existing clients can be a smart move. The more details you find about your leads, the more engaging an offer you’ll be able to craft. For instance, if you see a recent post about hiring an accountant, you’ll need to offer your services right away.

Get QuickBooks

But when you can successfully advise them on how to handle certain situations or problems, they’ll view you as a trusted advisor and be more willing to purchase your services. By adding this step to your accounting sales process, you’ll be sure to add new clients to your business that are better qualified and trust you more from the get-go. Bookkeeping software was designed to make it simple for small business owners to do their own bookkeeping. But many owners don’t have the time or desire to do that, and that’s where you can step in and provide a ton of value for them (and be well compensated in return). Create an account with job boards that offer accounting jobs to find new clients.

Beyond that, you may need to hire an assistant to help with the workload. In addition to monthly bookkeeping responsibilities, your clients may have quarterly or annual obligations they need you to take care of. Getting your first bookkeeping client can be the hard part because you won’t yet have reviews or testimonials you can use to market your business. If you meet in person or are heading to a networking event, bring your business cards and ask for others’ cards so you can follow up after the event. This allows you to more easily connect with your target market without wasting money on people who won’t be interested in your services. The result can be higher conversion rates and a higher return on investment (ROI).

How To Start A Bookkeeping Business

Become a member for only $12 your first year and receive a free gift. Membership gives you access to discounts, programs, and services from numerous trusted brands. Expert advice and resources for today’s accounting professionals. LinkedIn is an effective recruiting instrument, but companies still use job portals to find specialists. You can try international resources like Indeed, Glassdoor, or CareerBuilder. There you can see job listings for free and respond through the website.

how to find bookkeeping clients online


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